Friday, April 8, 2011

My fun weekend...and my apologies

Last week at work, well, let's just say it was the week from "not heaven".  I desperately needed a break form EVERYTHING that is required of, kids, etc.  My husband and I went away for the weekend with our good friends.  We toured some wineries, saw some sites, listened to an amazing one man band!  I needed this weekend so much!  I feel re-energized.  The only problem is that due to my INSANELY hectic week last week I didn't do my DT commenting. I planned to do it over the weekend but then we went away instead.  I did all of my required challenge comments but my dear DT sisters, as deserving as they were, didn't hear from me this  week.  This is the first time ever that I didn't comment on their posts.  I'm really sorry ladies.  Hopefully it won't happen again!  

Here's me...very happy!

Swedish Hill Winery


  1. You do look happy and glad that you had a wonderful time...we all deserve that now and again. Hope this week has been better.

  2. We definitely need some R&R from time to time to rejuvenate us and a trip to a winery with friens sounds like the perfect way to do so. If you pop over to my blog Renee there is a little award over there waiting for you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It means so much to me.