Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I Brake for Bravehearts!

Hello and happy Tuesday!

Today I'm sharing two cards that I made for my nieces.
I have 4 nieces total and there are 4 Bravehearts so this is just perfect!

I'll share the other two cards soon. 
They are very similar but done with pink.

Each set comes with an inspirational verse.
Each of my nieces is so unique so I have no idea who will get this one.

They're also all pretty fearless...they dance, do gymnastics, act in plays etc.  All of the verses apply to each of them so it really won't matter which one they get.

I just wanted to do something to brighten their day during this time of quarantine. They won't be expecting to get something in the mail and I think it will put a smile on their face.

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