Sunday, June 7, 2020

Send my kids back to school!

Hello Ai fans!

Today I'm sharing a Covid card.  I've been making tons of cards for people who are in the medical profession, people who are in essential jobs like postal workers and people who are alone.

This one is for all the moms!  Moms who are working from home and also needing to help home school their kids.  Moms who are teachers and also trying to deal with their own kids.  Moms who are stay at home moms and are just not loving having their kids home 24-7 with NO outlet! lol!

I used Madge and a little image from the Teachers Rule Work and Play Set.
I just printed the text on my computer.  How many of you out there can relate to this?  My kids are both in college and the online learning has been a challenge but they're making it work.  I can't say that I hate having them home more!

In N.Y. we were supposed to be in school for 3 more weeks but that didn't happen.  It's been a roller coaster of emotions for me but, this too, shall pass.  I think if this has taught us anything it's to appreciate what we have.

1 comment:

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

From personal experience I can say that stamp is pretty accurate!