Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why I've been missing.

Hello everyone.  Sorry I've been MIA lately.  I wanted to fill you in as to why and let you know what's going on in my life.  Last Sunday we got home from the lake and it was raining.  It didn't stop raining until Thursday morning and my little town and all the towns around me received the worst flooding in our history.  Many of my friends are currently evacutated and some will be homeless.  My family and my extended family escaped water damage though my driveway will need to be rebuilt.  We just got power back this morning after 5 days.  I still don't have any phone, cable or internet.  I'm currently at my husband's place of business.  I'm asking for a temporary leave of absence from all of my design teams.  I'm hoping this won't be for more than two weeks.  I'm sure by then our lives will be back to some sort of normalcy.  I know I had some projects for the next few weeks uploaded to my DT blogs so feel free to post those.  I can't remember what I had set to post on my personal blog.  As I gain back internet I'll double check those things.  Right now we need to focus on helping our friends recover and getting my own two refrigerators cleaned up, draining and cleaning the pool that is now grossly green etc.  You can reply to this message but I can't say when I'll be back on line.  Don't worry about us.  We're okay.  My heart is just breaking for my friends and coworkers who are suffering.  I'll post photos of the disaster when I can upload them.  I appreciate your understaning during this.  I hope to be in touch very soon.  Take care,  Renee


Kristie W. said...

Thinking of you and your family during this time, Renee. I am glad to hear you are okay and are able to help those in need. Big hugs.

KarinsArtScrap said...

hi renee i'm glad your alwright.
hope to see you back soon.

greetings karin

marilynprestonn said...

Oh Renee, my heart just sank when reading about the flooding. We got some in Quebec too, but happily not around us. I will be thinking of your friends and may God bless you for being so kind.

Keep well my friend, Peggyxo